What we do

Kimaka community outreach work 28/01/2021

EPAFU Outreach team visiting families in Kimaka A and B plus Kisenyi village. The outreach team made a follow up on some of the families of the needy and vulnerable people to see how they were doing;

During this visit the team gave out some soap to each family, did some small physical exercise with some old mamas(mothers) for the benefit of their body fitness, not only that but the team gave encouragement ( the future won’t remain the same because God knows them and that he cares. ) to the families whose hope was lost due to the poor circumstances which needed our intervention  for a life change. This is the family of Mr. Omirambe Rajab and Zulaikha Ajaruva Kimaka B Village.

Buwenda mataala

95 years old mama yearns for yellow banana business capital.  

Mrs. Margret Kyebo lives in Buwenda Mataala village. She was very excited to see us, she was healthy, only that she complained of lack of money for buying food stuff. Therefore, she wants to start a business selling Yellow Bananas. So she needs a capital of 100,000 shillings. 

Kabaale Christine 

80 years old She has aching legs, itchy body and she does not know the cause of the itching. She yearns for medication but doesn’t have money. Her caretaker Kyotya Mirabu, is also having some health problems. She was operated on but she missed out on some tablets as part of her treatment because she did not have money. She is a threat of life. In this poor situation of both health and financial constraints, they have to go dig for the neighbor who gives them a piece of land to cultivate as a way of payment. This means they have no source of income. Christine can not do anything for business since she has become more weak due to age and sickness. The EPAFU outreach team provided Posho, soap and salt to keep the family with a hope for tomorrow. She was happy to see us in her home.


  • Needs Medical attention.
  • More provision for home supplies.
  • School fees for her grandchildren.
  • Follow up.

Mutesi Ruth 80 years, suffering from eye problem and Anemia .She was happy to have us back visiting her. She has a painful swollen hand that got injured while dressing up in a Gomesi and hit her hand on a sharp wood in her room . She smears butter to relieve the pain. This  limits Ruth to dig in her garden where she gets food. Her eyes have been operated on twice, she is also suffering from Anaemia  and needs medical attention. Mutesi needs a better house since the one  she lives in is ram shackled. The EPAFU outreach team gave her Posho, salt and soap. She appreciates the help which comes from EPAFU.


  • Needs to Visit medical doctor.
  • Nutritious food.
  • New house and a mosquito net. 

Magoba Livingstone Stanley 73 years blind and vulnerable Magoba. Livingstone Stanley 73 years old has an itching skin in the back and chest. But we have discovered that it is due to the bed bugs in his beddings.  He also requested for a new radio to be updated with current affairs and to heal his boredom because the one he had is broken. Stanley’s son cares for him.  He was very happy to receive us for a second visit. The EPAFU outreach team gave him Posho, soap and salt. 


  • His beddings needs to be sprayed with pesticides and washed.
  • He needs a new mosquito net.
  • Nutritious foods and a new small radio.

Mama suffering from chronic TB 

Kauma Lovisa is 68 years old living in Kisenyi village a remote area of Kimaka Mpumudde division jinja city. EPAFU outreach team visited Kauma for a second time and discovered that nothing has changed in her entire living condition up to now.  


  • She is still coughing and yet lacking proper medical attention.
  • Poor nutrition, poor sleeping condition, and her grandchildren need food and school fees support.

Angella Mugosi, a mother of five children, lacks basic needs due to unemployment. The EPAFU outreach team revisited this family for a second time to check on how they were living. The team discovered that they lack mosquito nets which is putting their lives in danger, they also need better sleeping materials like mattresses, bed sheets/blankets and the beds. Both the husband and the wife are unemployed but depend on casual work which is irregular. This forces the whole family to go without food some days like today we found the children without lunch. The other big challenge of this family is the issue of bad accommodation. Their house is very old and dilapidated.

Old mum and her son need medical help  

Agatha Wanyenyi lives in a remote area of Kimaka B village. Wanyenyi needs a proper balanced diet, she is very weak, feels joint and general body pain, has not visited any Doctor up until now and her sleeping condition needs to be improved. Her son Muyamba James loves her so much and took care of her till recently when he become unable. He informed us that his mother is in need of  support because he is unemployed after his business collapsed, he was unable to run the business because of his prevailing health conditions, he is suffering from diabetes  which has troubled him to date. Muyamba James showed us his treatment reflecting how he injected himself everyday.

Nakaziba Betty, 50 years old single mother seeking school fees for her children. EPAFU outreach team visited Betty and gave her some home supplies in order to improve on the hygiene and sanitation of the community. This mother has 5 children who need school fees support, scholastic materials and other home requirements. The husband left her helplessly with the house in bad condition and she needs a new one .She wants financial support to boost up her small cassava business. 

Mary lives kimaka A Mpumudde division in Jinja city. She has four children whom she is taking care of by herself because the husband and father to her children abandoned the family and left them.  Mary and four children live in a small single mad-floored room which she rents and it’s not enough for them since some of the children are growing big, on top of that she has a wheelchair bicycle which also occupies room. She rides it many miles to go to town to look for food plus other home supplies. The EPAFU outreach team visited her and gave her soap to improve on the family’s hygiene and sanitation . She requests for support towards the building of a new house for her, needs school fees for the children and capital to start up a sustainable business.